Sunday, February 14, 2010

I've been looking...

For the past couple of days I have been coming up with ideas that I would want to execute for the magazine and researching on other cool subculture magazines. I have not been on campus so it has been hard for me to really execute any of the plans but I have gotten my hands on some awesome mags to inspire the magazine design and interface.

First up, I am thinking about doing some outrageous video collaboration with fellow artiste, Nick Stahl. These videos will function as something being featured in the magazine as well as be included with the bound copy in form of a dvd perhaps. Our inspiration was this really interesting music video that Nick found, called Plump Bisquit by Femme En Fourrure. Please check out the vid. It's real crazy. We plan to make something visually interesting like that. It probably won't make any sense at all but we figured that it doesn't have to.

Second, I found these two magazines: Code and Lemon. Code is a street fashion magazine from Holland and Lemon Magazine claims to represent pop culture with a twist. I am looking through these magazines to help me in terms of formatting and designing. I have also been trying to get the hang of Indesign. Real fun.


  1. I was thinking about your magazine the other day and remembered the Postmodernism Generator:

    Each time you refresh it, it generates a new bullshit postmodern essay, complete with citations.

  2. Trust your instincts and become obsessed. Push it as far as you can.
