Sunday, February 21, 2010

Save the Batz

A environmentally conscious lip gloss manufacturer markets a new line of lipgloss to promote awareness about the depleting bat population in the Philippines due to deforestation. They are planning to team up with Environmental Biologist, Jodi Sedlock, a professor at Lawrence University, WI in an attempt to "save the batz". Sedlock is currently working on documenting the behavior and population of insectivorous bats in the Philippines. So far, Jodi Sedlock has refused to associate herself with the project but the company maintains that she has been their number one inspiration. Reliable sources reveal that Sedlock does not agree with the main focus of this project and that in reality, their project does not particularly pertain to anything related to her research. She is reported to have said that, "They don't really care about bats. I think they are more interested in the different flavor names that can be named after the different species of bats." I mean, bats are definitely in this season.


  1. I love it that what you are doing now seems like a practice for your magazine. way to go!

  2. Funny, but it also underscores issues of "green washing" using any and all means!
